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All you need to know about library membership, borrowing and loans

Loan Entitlements

  • Current BGU students may borrow up to 25 items at a time.
  • Current BGU staff members and research students may borrow up to 35 items at a time.
  • External Patrons may borrow up to 8 items at a time.
  • SCONUL Access Band R Students can use the Library on a reference basis only.

Loan Periods

  • Our standard loan period is 3 weeks.
  • The loan period for children's books is 12 weeks.
  • The loan period for one week loans is 7 days.

Under normal circumstances, and provided no-one else has requested it, a loan will automatically renew at the end of its loan period. If the item has been requested by someone else it must be returned within 7 days. Read more about the auto-renewal process, including who and what it applies to, and what happens if you don't return a requested loan on time, on our How to Renew Loans page.