Newspapers: The University pays for a licence from the Newspaper Licensing Agency to allow staff to photocopy (up to 250 times), or scan and upload to Blackboard, or email to students, for internal teaching purposes, cuttings that appear in the print and digital editions of most daily newspapers (not including the digital edition of the Financial Times) plus The Lincolnshire Echo, The Lincolnshire Free Press, the Times Educational Supplement and the Times Higher Educational Supplement. Cuttings include articles, reports, images, photographs and adverts. More guidance, and a list of the newspapers covered by the licence, is available here.
Maps: Maps are not covered by any licence held by the University so if you wish to re-use a map for teaching purposes you will either need to gain permission from the rights holder, find one released under a Creative Commons licence, or make use of the education exceptions outlined in the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988. NB. Staff and students on history, heritage, archaeology and geography programmes can access subscribed Ordnance Survey content: for more information contact
Television broadcasts, On-demand services and Podcasts: The University pays for a licence from the Educational Recording Agency (ERA) to allow television programmes, radio broadcasts and podcasts to be used in class. It also allows television programmes to be made available to students on a secure platform like Planet eStream.
DVDs and music: The Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988 allows you to show a DVD or play music in class provided it is for educational purposes and not purely for entertainment purposes. You can also perform a work for educational purposes provided only students and staff members are in attendance (i.e. no parents or members of the public).