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Copyright for BGU Staff

A basic introduction to copyright for BGU staff

Copyright and ITE (Initial Teaching Education)

You may only make multiple copies of a BGU resource using BGU photocopiers to hand out in a school setting if there is an explicit statement in the work that permits this. 

In the absence of such a statement you must instead take care to adhere to any copyright licences held by the school.  You can normally only make multiple photocopies of books and other copyrighted materials on a school photocopier if the school owns the item in question. That is to say, you cannot take a BGU resource into a school and photocopy it unless the school own a copy of that same item, or unless there is a statement in the work that explicitly permits this. 

It is permitted to photocopy a resource at BGU (within the parameters described in BGU's Code of Practice on Copyright) and take it into a school for personal use, provided it is not further copied and/or distributed. 

Most published government documents are subject to Crown Copyright and may be reproduced in any format for non-commercial or training purposes provided that the information is accurate and properly cited. This does not apply if copyright belongs to a third party. For more on crown copyright click here.

Further guidance on copyright in schools is available here.