The Library provides a wide range of journals. The vast majority are online, with a few print titles available to view only in the Library. If you're new to journals we highly recommend you read the document below, which provides a useful overview of what journals are, why they are useful, and how to access them.
If you read the document above, you'll see that to find journals and articles we recommend library tools like WorldCat, A-Z Databases and BrowZine, backed-up by search engines like Google Scholar. Another great tool – and one we highly recommend - is the browser extension LibKey Nomad (installation instructions are here). Particularly useful off-campus, this recognises you as a BGU student and, if you have access to a particular article, displays an onscreen alert.
For journals on early childhood, see our Early Childhood Studies LibGuide. For journals on special educational needs, diversity and inclusion see our SENDI LibGuide, and for journals on children's literature see our Children's Literature LibGuide.
British Educational Research Journal
British Journal of Educational Psychology
British Journal of Educational Studies
Cambridge Journal of Education
Child: Care, Health and Development
Children and Young People Now
Curriculum Journal
Educate (open access, NUT website)
Education 3-13
Education Journal
Educational Action Research
Educational Management, Administration & Leadership
Educational Psychology
Educational Research
Educational Research and Evaluation
Educational Review
Educational Studies
First Language
Forum: for promoting 3-19 comprehensive education
Gender and Education
Health Education Journal
History of Education Researcher (open access)
Improving Schools
Journal of Adult and Continuing Education
Journal of Child Language
Journal of Education Policy
Journal of Moral Education
Journal of Research in Reading
Leadership and Policy in Schools
Learning, Media and Technology
Literacy Today
London Review of Education (open access)
Mentoring and Tutoring
Oxford Review of Education
Race Equality Teaching
Research Papers in Education
School Effectiveness and School Improvement
School Leadership and Management
Support for Learning
Teachers and Teaching
Times Higher Education (current print issue in Library + online with a 6 month embargo)