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Students with Additional Needs

Library services and facilities for students with SENs.

We offer several services for students with special educational needs.

In order to be eligible for one or more of the services you must have undergone an individual needs assessment with Student Advice and, as a result, have been formally recommended to us for the service in question by the Student Advice team.  All services are available on a permanent or temporary basis. 

We have also compiled a number of themed reading lists on topics relating to equality, diversity and inclusion including autism awareness, the differently abled, mental health, and neurodiversity.


  1. 24 Hour Collection: This service allows you to request books which the library team will gather for you ready for you to collect within 24 hours. See below for terms & conditions.
  2. Extended loans: This service allows you to borrow one-week loans for an extended period (up to 3 weeks at a time). 
  3. Support Assistance: If you have a Support Assistant to help you with your daily needs, and especially if you find it difficult to get to the Library in person, your Support Assistant can borrow books on your behalf.
  4. Bookshare: This service, provided by the RNIB, allows you to request accessible copies of books via an online platform. Click here for more information about RNIB Bookshare.