This page is relevant to anyone who joins BGU Library under one of the following categories of membership:
The Library is located in the Cornerstone Building, in the south-west corner of the campus next to the University Chapel and the pedestrian walkway from Newport.
The building entrance is locked in the evenings and at weekends, during which time access is restricted to current BGU students and staff only. The access control gates at the library entrance are operated with a BGU ID card.
With the above in mind you should normally be able to gain access to the Library during Service Desk opening hours:
NB. If you gain access to the Library you may remain in the building until closing, but if you leave after the building entrance is locked you will be unable to re-enter without a BGU ID card.
The Library is normally closed over the long Easter weekend and between Christmas and New Year.
Printing, photocopying and wi-fi facilities are not available to External Patrons or Visitors who have made an appointment to view the Lincolnshire Collection.
If you visit from an institution that also uses Eduroam you can connect to our wi-fi network with the same login you use at your home institution. Some devices pick up the Eduroam signal automatically, whilst others may need to be configured to accept it.
An IT Helpdesk is available during office hours should you require assistance. They can be contacted on 01522 583666 or at
The library is home to over 140,000 physical resources including books, journals and audio-visual materials. Use WorldCat to search library collections. External patrons may borrow up to 8 items at a time. Read more on our Borrowing pages.
External membership does not include access to the Inter Library Loans Service, Postal Loans Service, More Books Service, BGU scanning Service, electronic resources, room bookings, printing, photocopying and the wi-fi
Lidded drinks are permitted in the Library but food and open drink containers are not. There is a water fountain and a drinks machine in the building foyer. All library users are expected to make and take phone calls in the building foyer or stairwells and to treat library staff, their fellow library users, and the building with respect.
There are a variety of study areas on both floors of the Library including areas for group, quiet and silent study. Only current BGU students may book the Library's seminar rooms and silent study booths.