See the tabs above for building access and available services for External Patrons or see the box below for how to join the Library.
External Patrons are people who join the Library but are not current BGU students or current BGU members of staff (all membership categories are shown in the box below).
External Patrons are entitled to borrow 8 items at a time. Read more on our Borrowing pages.
If you are currently enrolled on a programme of study at Bishop Grosseteste University membership of the Library is free for the duration of your course. Your membership is activated as soon as you enrol and receive your university ID card, which is also your library card. You need your ID card to enter the Library, borrow resources and use the copier-printer network, so remember to keep it with you at all times when you are on campus.
If you are currently employed by Bishop Grosseteste University membership of the Library is free for the duration of your employment. Your membership is activated as soon as you receive your university ID card, which is also your library card. You need your ID card to enter the Library, borrow resources and use the copier-printer network, so remember to keep it with you at all times when you are on campus.
If you are studying with one of the University's partner colleges or organisations (except Grantham College - see below) on a course assessed or validated by Bishop Grosseteste University you are entitled to join the Library as an external patron. External membership is free for the duration of your course. To join the Library please email us in the first instance at so that we can send you the link to our online application form.
As an external patron you will be issued with a library membership card. This is used to borrow resources and gain access to the Library. Click here for more information about using the library as an external patron, including restricted out-of-hours access to the building. External membership does not include access to document supply services or electronic resources.
If you are studying with us at Grantham College you have the same borrowing rights and entitlements as a BGU student. Your membership is activated as soon as you enrol and receive your university ID card, which is also your library card. You will need your ID card to enter the Library, borrow resources and use the copier-printer network, so remember to keep it with you at all times when you are on campus.
The SCONUL Access Scheme allows many university library users to study or use print books and print journals at other libraries which belong to the scheme. Some members of the scheme may also be able to borrow print books from other libraries depending on the Band they are allocated by their Home Institution when they join the scheme.
If you are a student or staff member from another institution wishing to use our library you may be able to join through the SCONUL Access Scheme.
Once you have applied to join the scheme via the SCONUL Access website and have received your SCONUL Access Acceptance email you can then apply to join our library.
To do this please send an email to with the subject line 'SCONUL Access application'. We will then send you a link to our online library membership application form. Part of the process will involve sending us a copy of your SCONUL Access Acceptance email and a passport size photograph of yourself. Once your online application has been approved you will be emailed to collect your library membership card from our library's Service Desk (click here for Service Desk opening times), at which point you will be asked to show /provide formal photo ID and proof of your current address.
Band A, Band B and Band C SCONUL Access members are entitled to join our library and borrow books. Click here for more information about using the library as an external patron, including opening hours. Please note that external membership does not include access to document supply services, electronic resources and printer/copiers.
Band R (Reference) SCONUL Access members can join our Library to use it on a Reference only basis. If you would like to borrow books you can join our Library as an Annual Subscriber (please see the Members of the public tab for further information)
Click here: for more information about SCONUL Access.
If you are an alumnus of Bishop Grosseteste University (i.e., you previously completed a programme of study with us), or are a member of BG Generations, you are entitled to join the Library as a lifelong external patron upon payment of a £50 deposit. You can terminate your library membership, and have your deposit refunded, at any time upon request. To join the Library please email so that we can send you the link to our online application form.
As an external patron you will be issued with a library membership card. This is used to borrow resources and gain access to the library. Click here for more information about using the library as an external patron, including restricted out-of-hours access to the building. External membership does not include access to document supply services or electronic resources.
The University reserves the right to refuse or withdraw an external patron's membership status at its discretion.
If you are a current BGU student or staff member working towards the BGU Associate Award you can use your existing library account for Associate Award purposes.
If you are an alumnus or member of the public working towards the BGU Associate Award you are entitled to join the Library, for free, as an external patron for the duration of the Award (normally up to three years). To join the Library please email us at so that we can send you the link to our online application form.
As an external patron you will be issued with a library membership card. This is used to borrow resources and gain access to the library. Click here for more information about using the library as an external patron, including restricted out-of-hours access to the building. External membership does not include access to document supply services or electronic resources.
The University reserves the right to refuse or withdraw an external patron's membership status at its discretion.
BGU is a church university in the Anglican tradition. If you are an ordained member of the clergy you are entitled to join the Library, for free, as an external patron. To join the Library please email us in the first instance at so that we can send you the link to our online application form. You will need to provide evidence of your status as an ordained member of the clergy.
As an external patron you will be issued with a library membership card. This is used to borrow resources and gain access to the library. Click here for more information about using the library as an external patron, including restricted out-of-hours access to the building. External membership does not include access to document supply services or electronic resources.
The University reserves the right to refuse or withdraw an external patron's membership status at its discretion.
If you were previously employed by Bishop Grosseteste University on a permanent contract you are entitled to join the Library, for free, as a lifelong external patron. To join the Library please email us in the first instance at so that we can send you the link to our online application form. You will need to provide evidence of your status as an ex-permanent member of staff.
As an external patron you will be issued with a library membership card. This is used to borrow resources and gain access to the library. Click here for more information about using the library as an external patron, including restricted out-of-hours access to the building. External membership does not include access to document supply services or electronic resources.
The University reserves the right to refuse or withdraw an external patron's membership status at its discretion.
If you are a sixth form student and are 18 years old or over you can join the Library as an Annual Subscriber (£50 annual fee) and borrow 8 books.
Click here for more information about using the library as an external patron.
If you are a member of the public and are 18 years of age or over you can join the Library as an Annual Subscriber for an annual membership fee of £50.
To join the Library please email us in the first instance at so that we can send you the link to our online application form.
As an Annual Subscriber you will be issued with an External Patron Library ID card. This is used to borrow resources from the Library and gain access to the Library through the Library barrier. Click here for more information about using the library as an external patron.
Band R (Reference) SCONUL Access members can join our Library to use it on a Reference only basis. If you would like to borrow books you can join our Library as an Annual Subscriber.
External membership does not include access to the Inter Library Loans Service, Postal Loans Service, More Books Service, BGU scanning Service, electronic resources, room bookings, printing, photocopying and the wi-fi
The University reserves the right to refuse or withdraw an external patron's membership status at its discretion.
If you are a BG Futures tenant you are entitled to join the Library as an external patron. If you are an ex-student of Bishop Grosseteste University, membership of the Library is free for the duration of your tenancy. Any other tenant of BG Futures may choose to pay a one-off non-refundable fee of £50 for the duration of their tenancy.
To join the Library please email us in the first instance at so that we can send you the link to our online application form.
If you do not already have a BGU ID card you will be issued with a library membership card. This is used to borrow resources and gain access to the library. Click here for more information about using the library as an external patron, including restricted out-of-hours access to the building.
Please note that external membership does not include access to document supply services or electronic resources.