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Spaces, Facilities & Equipment: Spaces, Facilities & Equipment

Everything you need to know about studying in the Library.

General study facilities

The Library offers a variety of study areas, catering for as many different learning preferences as possible. There are 59 computer workstations and 187 study spaces with a further 24 workstations located in the 24/7 IT Suite.  105 of the study spaces have access to a power supply for laptop charging.

Choosing where to study

The study spaces around bookshelves on both floors are for quiet study with low level talking permitted.

The Social Study Suite on the first floor is designed for group and collaborative working and normal noise levels are permitted.  Here you'll also find five bookable Seminar Rooms, each containing a Smartboard, computer and drywipe whiteboard.

The Silent Study Suite (entry from the first floor book shelves) is designed for individuals working in silence and so no noise at all is permitted.  Here you'll also find four bookable Study Booths, each with a computer and large desk.

The Library is generally busiest between 10am and 4pm on weekdays.

Booking study spaces

Most study areas are open access with no booking required, but to use one of our five seminar rooms or four individual study booths a booking is required.  

Seminar rooms can be booked for up to 2 hours at a time and study booths for up to 4 hours at a time.  Both can be booked up to a week in advance.

To book a study space click here.

Staff members, external borrowers and members of the public may not book seminar rooms or study booths.

Quiet spaces

There are several locations around campus designated as quiet spaces; somewhere private you can take five and relax.  Two of the quiet spaces are in the Cornerstone Building...

The Rest Room is just inside the main entrance to the building. As well as being a quiet space, it doubles as a medical room and baby changing space.  This private room contains a comfy chair and footstool, a medical couch, and a sink.  When not in use this room is kept locked: ask for the key at the Library Service Desk.

The Nook is on the first floor of the Library at the far end of the bookshelves.  This cosy corner contains an armchair, footstool, standard lamp and blanket and is stocked with a small selection of 'quick read' novels and non-fiction.

Printing and photocopying

BGU uses combination printer-photocopiers.  There is one on each floor of the Library and one in the 24/7 IT Suite.  All print/copy in colour and black & white, but default to black & white. 

BGU students are required to pay for printing and photocopying. A print/copy account is set up when you enrol onto your course. The first time you try to print or copy you will be prompted to activate your account; you'll find instructions next to the printer-copiers. 

To top-up your account (minimum payment £1) or to send jobs to print from your own device go to:

The University does not refund unused print/copy credit, so please ensure you manage your credit carefully, especially towards the end of your course.

Important tips

All of the devices in the Cornerstone Building default to single-sided, black & white printing and copying, so if you want something in colour or double-sided you will need to change the settings on the device (in the case of a photocopy) or the computer (in the case of a print).

More information

For more detailed information on all aspects of printing and photocopying, including printing from laptops and mobile devices, refer to the IT Services Printing user guide, available on the Portal under IT Services - User Guides.

Computers and wi-fi

The computers in the Cornerstone Building are maintained by the IT Services department.  They are available for use by BGU students and staff members; all are open access and do not need to be booked. There are also several study spaces around the Library with power sockets for laptop use. 

You will find concentrations of computers on the ground floor of the building just outside the Library in the 24/7 IT Suite and on the first floor of the Library in the Social Study Suite and in the main shelving area.  All computers provide access to Microsoft Office software, e-mail and the internet.  In addition there is a computer and Smartboard in each of the Library's five seminar rooms, a computer in each of the four silent study booths, and two multimedia PCs in the Social Study Suite.

Wi-fi is available across the campus including the Library.  

Computer faults and queries should be reported in person to the IT Helpdesk via email at or over the phone on 01522 583666.


Conduct and behaviour

All library users are expected to maintain an atmosphere conducive to study and to show common courtesy to the people studying around them.  You are permitted to bring lidded drinks into the Library, but no open drink containers or food.  We also ask that you move to a stairwell to make or take phone calls, and, when using headphones, that you keep the volume low enough to not be overheard by those around you. 

If another library user is disturbing or distracting you please tell a member of the library team so we can take action.  We reserve the right to ask individuals to leave the building if the behaviour of the individual is considered to be inappropriate to the library environment.  

Click here to see your rights and responsibilities as a user of our library.


You cannot photocopy/print unlimited amounts from library resources (this is against the law!) but you are permitted to photocopy/print limited amounts. In general you should photocopy/print no more than 10% or one chapter of a book (whichever is greater) and no more than one article per journal issue but you are advised to visit our Copyright for BGU Students site to gain a better understanding of the rules as they apply to all types of library resources. 


Library shelves
The Social Study Suite
The Silent Study Suite
The 24 7 IT Suite
Photocopier printers


At enrolment you will be given details of your BGU computer login and account.  Your account provides you with a BGU email account and masses of storage to store files in the cloud and access them from any internet connection.

For more information see the IT Services area of the University Portal, where you'll also find information relating to bringing your own device onto campus.

Finishing equipment

Guillotines, hole punches and staplers are available to use in the Social Study Suite on the first floor of the Library.

Dissertation binding

Digital Print Services offer a binding service for which they will supply a clear plastic cover, a board back and a binding comb and bind your work for you.  They are located on the ground floor of the Skinner Building, just a few feet away from The Snug.


Lockers are available in the Cornerstone Building foyer for use by BGU students and anyone else holding a current BGU library card. They are strictly for short-term use and keys must be issued to your library account during Service Desk opening hours. A £10 charge applies if a locker key is lost.  Keys can only be issued when the Service Desk is open, but can be returned via the external or internal book drop boxes when the Service Desk is closed. To find out more, please speak to a member of library staff.

Image attribution

Study spaces, Copiers, Computers all ©Bishop Grosseteste University.
Guillotine from City Girl Gone Coastal .
Coloured Pencils by Paul Tomlin on Flickr under a CC BY 2.0 Creative Commons licence.


The information on this page is all about the facilities and equipment available to you in the Library. If you have any further questions please contact us using the information below:

Study spaces: for help with library study spaces or our room booking system speak to a member of the Library staff, call tel:01522583790 or email Our room booking system can be accessed from the Book a Study Space link on the LibGuides homepage.

Printing and copying: Library and IT staff can help with basic printing and copying issues and troubleshooting, but for in-depth help or advice speak to staff in Digital Print Services (ground floor of the Skinner Building), call tel:01522583713 or email

Computers and wifi: for help with all things IT-related speak to staff at the IT Helpdesk: call tel:01522583666 or email

Finishing equipment: For help with dissertation binding contact Digital Print Services (ground floor of the Skinner Building), call tel:01522583713 or email