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Information Literacy

How to find and use information effectively


Fruits and vegetables arranged on shelvesManaging is all about organising and presenting the information you find and ensuring you do so in a professional and ethical way.

When you get to the point of writing your assignment you will probably paraphrase, include direct quotes, and/or summarise different authors’ theories and ideas.  You might even include images or diagrams.  Anytime you use or refer to someone else's work in your own assignment you must acknowledge it, or you could be accused of plagiarism* (passing off someone else's work as your own). 

Check out this 3-minute video by Bainbridge State College for good advice on Plagiarism: How to Avoid It.

There are usually three elements to consider around plagiarism:

  • Copyright and intellectual property: do you have permission to insert a certain image, quote or diagram into your own work?
  • Referencing: when you have used direct quotes or referred to other people's ideas in your assignment have you clearly acknowledged this?
  • Citation: Have you produced a reference list, in the required format and style (for most BGU students this is APA 6th), at the end of your assignment to show the resources you used?

Our Copyright for BGU Student LibGuide covers some of the main points about copyright as you research, write and present information as part of your studies at BGU; the further guidance section includes a link to the University's Code of Practice on Copyright.

The University's Learning Development department (based in CELT) provides help and advice on referencing and citation.  There is also written guidance on Blackboard under Library and then Handbook for Written Coursework.

*In cases of suspected plagiarism the University's 'Code of Practice for Academic Misconduct' is invoked.