The Library provides a wide range of journals. The vast majority are online, with a few print titles available to view only in the Library. If you're new to journals we highly recommend you read the document below, which provides a useful overview of what journals are, why they are useful, and how to access them.
If you read the document above, you'll see that to find journals and articles we recommend library tools like WorldCat, A-Z Databases and BrowZine, backed-up by search engines like Google Scholar. Another great tool – and one we highly recommend - is the browser extension LibKey Nomad (installation instructions are here). Particularly useful off-campus, this recognises you as a BGU student and, if you have access to a particular article, displays an onscreen alert.
The Four Corners is a free children’s literature newsletter published by the the Literature and Literacies (LiLi) research unit at BGU to promote our children's literature collection. It is the successor to Hullabaloo!, which was published by the Library between 2005 and 2019. Both newsletters are a worthwhile read and electronic versions of all issues are available online. A complete index to Hullabaloo! can be accessed here.
Armadillo (open access)
Books for Keeps (open access)
Children’s Literature Association Quarterly, The
Children’s Literature in Education
Children's Literature in English Language Education (CLELE)
English 4-11
Horn Book Magazine, The
Lion and the Unicorn, The
Looking Glass, The (open access)
Marvels and Tales: Journal of Fairy Tale Studies
New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship
School Librarian
Teaching English (print only)