WorldCat is our library catalogue and discovery tool. It allows you to search across all BGU library holdings at the same time, including the physical resources held in the Library and many of the databases we provide access to. You can also use it to search the collections of other libraries that use WorldCat.
For printed resources, WorldCat shows how many copies we have and where to look for them. Online materials can be immediately opened and viewed onscreen.
You also use WorldCat to login and monitor your library account, renew loans and place and monitor holds. Additional features include the ability to create lists of and add tags to resources.
WorldCat searches all of Library's physical resources, and some of the online databases to which the Library subscribes. Those databases not searched by WorldCat can be accessed from our Databases A-Z site. To find out which databases are and aren't included in WorldCat searches go to Databases A-Z, click on the Database Types drop-down box and select either Searchable via WorldCat or Not searchable via WorldCat. Find out lots more about online resources in our Online Resources LibGuide.